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Infographic: Testing Social Media Signals in Search

How Social Media Activity Impacts Organic Search Rankings

Can social media activity impact organic search rankings? Popular wisdom says yes, but we set out to prove it with a simple test. We’ve compiled our findings into an easy-to-follow infographic.

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Infographic authored by TastyPlacement, an <a href="">
Austin digital marketing, SEO & PPC agency</a>. To view the original post, see the original
<a href="">
Social Media Infographic</a>. </div>

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10 replies
  1. Karen Highland says:

    This is really useful information, and a great experiment. I lead a mastermind with a few Realtors where I’ve been trying to explain the importance of social media in our efforts to be found on searches…this infographic speaks volumes, thanks so much for doing this. I look forward to sharing it with my friends!

  2. Hannah says:

    This is such an awesome infographic! Social and search are definitely become more intertwined and I predict a huge surge in search engines using social media in order to determine relevancy in the future. This means businesses will have to become even more involved in social media and engage their customers on a whole new level. Thanks for this post, can’t wait to share it! -Hannah, BizBrag Team

  3. Agnes Tabor says:

    Very interesting information, there is so much out there. Thank you for taking the time to do the research and allow us to add to our site. Information is king.

  4. Naomi says:

    This is actually a pretty amazing experiment, however small. All of the results make a lot of sense. It would be difficult to duplicate this test on a larger scale, but I am still excited about what you found and think it is just as relevant today as it was when you did it.

    Thanks for putting this work out here for us to see!


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