A Website Needs to Be More Than a Business Card.
Your Website Will Dictate Your Search Rankings & Will Dictate Your Sales
A TastyPlacement Website Ranks Better & Sells More Goods & Services
We see it again and again…because we work so closely with clients and measure and analyze every possible element of their website data–web visitors, even down to inbound phone calls–we learn quite a bit about what works and what does not. Web design impacts your bottom line: an enlightened, fresh website design means more inbound customer calls. It’s called conversion–that’s a fancy way of saying that your phone will ring more often with new customers. Customer conversion is part of web marketing, and it’s the component of web marketing where high rankings can’t help you. It’s your website’s design, navigation, and the copy itself that turns casual browsers into dedicated customers.
A Stunning Website Design That Delivers Customers Year After Year
Unicorn Moving of Austin (“Best of Austin” regular winners) reached out to us in 2015 for a new website design. The design you see in the screenshot is more than an attractive faceplate: Unicorn’s site has been a consistent performer in Google search results, and it really brings in the customers. The site is the subject of a case study on how to fine-tune a website to increase customer action.
eCommerce Beauty & Function for CBD Upstarts, Hempsy
Hempsy is one of Austin’s most exciting new startups in the growing market for CBD products. Our design for Hempsy is both beautiful and feature-rich. Hempsy.com runs on a lighting-fast WordPress installation and leverages WooCommerce for eCommerce functionality.
Success in Massive Houston Market
Advance Orthodontics faces tough competition in Houston, a Top 5 US Metro for population. Braces and other orthodontics are an expensive item, so bringing in new patients requires a sophisticated balance of marketing, attractive website design, and giving patients comfort. We’ve done all this and more for our client.
Complete Market Leadership in 5 Years
If you want to enjoy a guided tour of Austin (pub crawls, winery trips, corporate outings) the top choice is Austin Detours. We launched Detours’ marketing when they launched, and their website has been a central feature of their business success. In 5 short years, Austin Detours has become the market leader for tours in ATX. Keep an eye out though, a redesign is coming in 2019.
Calm in the Tumultuous World of Family Law
Our clients, the Larson Law Firm, operate a family law practice in Houston, Texas. Our design brought SEO power, but also a nuanced calm that comforts clients.
Coast-to-Coast Performance
Cabinets are big business: Every home has many. And, if you are Premium Cabinets, with 60 locations nationwide and growing, you need a website that can both bring in customers through search rankings, and get customers excited about Premium’s products.
Testing Yields More Customers: We’ve Collected and Analyzed Data on Millions of Page Views
At TastyPlacement, we analyze and test all aspects of a website’s performance: including whether the website design is yielding inbound customer inquiries. We aren’t afraid to ditch a design if it isn’t performing well. We’ve collected and analyzed data on millions of our clients’ websites’ page views–and that experience leads to expertise.