Entries by Michael David

How to Log Into WordPress

It’s very easy, you just need to know the name of the standard page for the login screen: Go to your website in a browser. Type in the following after the website name: /wp-admin, so www.yoursite.com/wp-admin/ You’ll see a login screen. Enter your User Name and Password. If You Like This WordPress Tip: Check out […]

Racing Poster Design – 1980s Style Racing Poster

Yes we know! This has nothing to do with SEO, PPC, or anything else we do here at Tastyplacement. But we’ve been doing posters for a local racing series (Michael David participates), and we wanted to make a pure 1980s style racing poster based on a video game. We’ve got 8-bit design elements, like low […]

Getting Started With WordPress

A Complete Starter Guide to Writing, Editing and Maintaining Your WordPress Site Updated for 2016! Congratulations on setting up your first WordPress website. This is a guide to writing and editing web pages on your WordPress site.  As you use, update, and maintain your site, you will begin to understand why WordPress is one of […]

A PPC Case Study of Awesome Excellence

How we tripled a client’s PPC conversion rate in 6 weeks, and lowered Google Adwords cost-per-conversion by 63.22% We love conversion rate optimization and cost-per-conversion optimization. This is the heart of the matter–it sits at the core of what any advertising campaign should look towards. This case study will show how we did the following […]