How to Add a Sidebar to Your WordPress Theme

Most simple WordPress templates/themes generally employ a single sidebar. But, in keeping with WordPress’ open architecture, you can easily add a second (or 3rd or 4th) sidebar to your site’s theme. And, you aren’t restricted to using your sidebar in the typical sidebar area–you can put your new sidebar in a header, a footer, or any other area in your template. Additional sidebars let you place any WordPress Widget (such as Recent Posts, Pages, Links/Blogroll, Calendar, Tag Cloud, as well as any custom widgets) into new areas of your WordPress template. This technique is especially powerful when combined with custom WordPress page templates–with additional sidebars, we can have custom sidebars for each of our custom page templates. This is the approach we’ll teach you in this tutorial.

Laying the Groundwork for Your New Sidebar

So what we’ll do in this tutorial is to add a second sidebar to one of our custom template pages in our WordPress theme. We have a custom homepage in our template where we want to include a robust call to action to our website visitors rather than a Category list which is more appropriate for blog readers. The screenshot below shows the default “Sidebar 1” sidebar from our simple template, and we’ll add a second sidebar called “Homepage Sidebar”.

Add WordPress Sidebars

Let’s first take a 10,000 foot view, we are going to employ the following steps to add our sidebar:

  • We are going to register our sidebar within the template by making an entry in the template’s functions.php file.
  • We are going to create a separate, custom sidebar file called sidebar-homepage.php.
  • We are going to include a reference to our custom sidebar-homepage.php file in our custom page template.

That’s it! With these three steps, we’ll have a 2nd sidebar that will display on our custom homepage. With the same technique, we could create additional sidebar areas, the steps would be the same.

Step 1: Registering the Additional Sidebar Within the WordPress Template

First step: we start by registering our sidebar within the template’s functions.php file. 99% of all WordPress templates/themes have a functions.php file. If your theme doesn’t have one, simply create a file in a text editor (we like Notepad++ in the Windows environment and TextMate in the Apple environment). If you don’t know how to find your theme files, you’ll find them in your web host in the following directory:

You’ll want to begin by finding any existing “register_sidebar” entries in your functions.php file. Ours had the following existing sidebar definition for our single default sidebar:

if ( function_exists('register_sidebar') ) {
'before_widget' => '<li id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',
'after_widget' => '</li>',
'before_title' => '<h2 class="widgettitle">',
'after_title' => '</h2>',

To register our second sidebar, we simply add the following code to the functions.php file:

if ( function_exists('register_sidebar') ) {
'name' => 'Homepage Sidebar',
'id' => 'homepage-sidebar',
'description' => 'Appears as the sidebar on the custom homepage',
'before_widget' => '<div style="height: 280px"></div><li id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',
'after_widget' => '</li>',
'before_title' => '<h2 class="widgettitle">',
'after_title' => '</h2>',

So what did we just do?

  • We told our WordPress installation, “we are adding a second sidebar area that we’ll use in our theme”
  • The sidebar’s name is “Homepage Sidebar”
  • The ID of the sidebar (we’ll refer to that ID later) is “homepage-sidebar”; you can choose “footer-sidebar”, “second-sidebar” or anything you want
  • We added the description “Appears as the sidebar on the custom homepage” that will display just under the sidebar’s title.

If you upload your new functions.php file to your WordPress installation, you should see your new sidebar if you browse from your WordPress dashboard to Appearance, then Widgets. It should look like the following picture. We’ve already added a Text Widget with the title “Contact Us” to ours, but yours will be empty when you first look at it. But, all we have done is create the sidebar so far; we haven’t yet taken the steps to display the sidebar anywhere in our theme, that will come in the next steps.

Add WordPress Sidebar Step 2

If you see your new sidebar in the Widgets area of your WordPress Dashboard, you are ready to move on to the next step.

Step 2: Create an Additional Sidebar File

WordPress themes use a default file called sidebar.php to display sidebars on pages and posts. But, our goal is to create a second sidebar, we’ll do that with a separate file called sidebar-homepage.php.

Again, we’ll open our text editor and create a file and paste in the following code and insert the ID of your new sidebar within the “dynamic_sidebar()” declaration like so:

<div id="sidebar">
      if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar('homepage-sidebar') ) :
      endif; ?>

Now, we have to note that our example sidebar file is highly simplified. Most sidebar files have more code–this extra code displays core navigation in the event the sidebar does not have any widgets installed in it–but for the purposes of this tutorial, we have to simplify it. As an alternative, you can simply copy your sidebar.php file and rename it. Don’t forget to include your sidebar ID within the dynamic_sidebar declaration (shown in red in the code example above)–that sidebar ID tells WordPress which sidebar (which we registered in Step 1) to display.

Step 3: Call the Additional Sidebar from Your Theme Files

We’re almost there. Now, all we need to do is call our new sidebar file, sidebar-homepage.php from our template files–keep in mind that our file name must follow this construct: sidebar-_______.php; we’ll see why in a moment. In our example, we’ll call our sidebar file from a custom template page–but you can call your new sidebar from a footer file, header file, or any theme file that displays on your WordPress site.

The function in WordPress that calls sidebars is get_sidebar(). When get_sidebar() is used with no information within the parenthesis, WordPress grabs the default sidebar.php file. But we want to grab our sidebar-homepage.php file, so we put “homepage” in single quotes within the get_sidebar parentheses. This tells WordPress to grab a file called sidebar-homepage.php . The code we want to insert in our template file is the following:

<?php get_sidebar('homepage'); ?>

What we’ve told WordPress to do is the following: we want to grab a sidebar file, but not the default sidebar, we want a file called sidebar-homepage.php. With this string of code, we’ve successfully grabbed our custom sidebar file.

Our New Sidebar

If you’ve coded your additional sidebar correctly, you can drag Widgets from the WordPress dashboard to your new sidebar and you’ll see the widgets displayed on your WordPress site. Here’s our new sidebar displaying on our homepage, while we display our default sidebar on interior pages and blog posts:

Our New WordPress Sidebar

Other Approaches to Adding Sidebars

Our method is one of many, there are more elegant ways of accomplishing the same result without creating separate template files, but the method outlined here is simple and reliable. Please comment below if you have questions or run into trouble.

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121 replies
  1. hk says:

    hi there,
    this is working if i stick to adding one more sidebar…as soon as i add an array of sidebars (to get more than one in the footer area) I am seeing the widgets in the WP cms widget area, i can add stuff to it, it is also outputting the widgets in the source code, BUT the content within the widgets is missing – it isn’t being output anywhere…Any ideas would be highly appreciated.

    • Nitin Reddy Katkam says:

      If the widgets aren’t showing, it is most likely because you didn’t include the call to the function dynamic_sidebar. Using register_sidebar merely tells WordPress that you have a sidebar somewhere in your theme. It is only by calling dynamic_sidebar that WordPress knows where to render the sidebar.

  2. Rick A Prentice says:

    From what I understand, this will only take the place of the existing sidebar so you can swop it out on a per page basis. I have a theme with template options: “Full Page”, “Left Sidebar”, “Right Sidebar”. I need to have a “Left and Right” sidebar on the same page. Unless I have misunderstood how this method works, I don’t think it will do that. Or, have I got it wrong?

    • RA Prentice says:


      I had forgotten I posted here until I was going through my bookmarks.
      Thanks for responding and thanks for providing this tute.
      Anyway, the theme I use is from “” (Dejavu). The child theme is “Dejavu-buddypress”.
      Currently it has: Homepage sidebar and Primary sidebar.
      It also has the ability to create custom sidebars that can be selected per page, but when used they take the place of the existing sidebar.

      Do I add the additional .php to my child or parent?
      Which template file will be the best place to add this:

      Also, I’m thinking I will need to create space via css for the additional sidebar I will place on the right before I add the new sidebar? Will the new sidebar be inside the main container or main content?
      I can reduce the width of the main content and leave space to the right for the new sidebar. Is this correct?

      Thanks for your help, really hope this works.

    • RA Prentice says:

      Do I add the additional .php to my child or parent?
      Which template file will be the best place to add this:

      get sidebar (left)
      get sidebar (right)

      dropped of other post

  3. Marvin says:

    Great tutorial but my new sidebar appears disordered in the botton of my site. do i have to do something in the css styles?

    • Michael David says:

      Every template is different, so yes, you might need to make some css adjustments. It’s hard for me to say exactly without studying the template. If you are stuck, you can probably call in a coder for a quick job like that for like 20 bucks on Craigslist or even Elance.

  4. Rick A Prentice says:

    Thanks for responding. I forgot I had posted here until I was looking at my bookmarks.
    Anyway, My theme (… Dejavu) has a homepage sidebar and a primary sidebar. I can also create custom sidebars on a page by page basis but they take the place of existing sidebars. My child theme is Dejavu-buddypress and that is where I want to add the second sidebar on the right side in the buddypress section of my site. Will I add the additional code to the “child” .php or the parent?
    Also, do I need to create space on the right in my css to make room for the sidebar before I add the additional code?
    Thanks for providing this tutorial

  5. mahmud says:

    actually i searched here and there for a way out to create a sidebar just beneath the category nav of my theme. your article gave me the basic idea and i did it on my own accord. thanks to pave me the path.

  6. Pam Warden says:

    I’m not sure how I add things to my sidebar? I can’t find the area to post in. It was easy to see in blogger, but I’m just learning my way around wp and it is quite different in many ways…most of them in GOOD ways.
    Thank you,

    • Pam Warden says:

      Sorry, in reading back I don’t think I was clear on something, when I said I’m not sure where to post I was still talking about my sidebar.

  7. Robert says:

    Thanks for this badass tutorial! Incredible walk through and I love your “10,000 foot view.” It really helped add four ‘sidebars’ into my footer area.

  8. Ken says:

    This is absolutely one of the best clearly stated tutorials I’ve come across, except for one issue…and maybe I just don’t get it…

    Appearance==>Editor ==> list of templates on right of page. I see all the templates listed on the right including sidebar.php. Exactly how do I find the folder in which sidebar.php file exists. That is, where do I actually re-create and rename the second (re-named) php file.
    Thanks in advance!

    • Michael David says:

      That’s a bit more work because you need to create a css-based

      area in which to house the new sidebar–and then integrate that new area in to the theme’s architecture. That is pretty advanced–we’ll consider writing a tutorial on that in the future.
      • Porshia says:

        Hi.. have you written a tutorial for a left sidebar? I really need it..
        Thanks for this post though..

  9. Willi says:

    Well written tutorial. That helped a bunch. Very generous friendo!
    My peeps live in Fredericksburg… if I gen up some Hill Country clients, I’ll point them to ya!

  10. Courtney says:

    Ah, but what about for a child theme? I think there’s a lot more involved, am I right? In order to add a sidebar, I have to unregister the parent themes? Can you help me out?

  11. cat says:

    Such a great tut, thank you so much!

    Mine worked nearly perfectly… apart from the final step, getting the sidebar to show up!

    My site: The standard sidebar is still showing, even though this page is set to product template and the product-sidebar is called within that… I’m not sure what I’m missing.

    any ideas anyone? Any help massively appreciated!

  12. Colin says:

    Hi all,
    Going crazy here trying to get a sidebar to show up.
    I created a custom page template to have a blog page and modified the home page to stop posts showing up. Thats all working nicely.

    I want to have the blog categories show on the blog page so was planning to put the categories widget on a sidebar created using widgets on pages plugin. Completed the steps for that but no sidebar. Completed the steps here and no sidebar. I dont have the layout options available when creating a page and cant figure out why, is this because of the theme im using?

    I tried using another plugin Page Columnist to create columns but still no sidebar

    • Nicole says:

      I am having the same issue. Or maybe not. I am not sure where I should call the function. I am using template intrepidity. I see the php file in my template and the widget on my widget page, but when i try passing info into it it does not show. Ideally would like the sidebar to show up in the header of the page.

      • Nicole says:

        Actually I found it. I was within the content section of my page. How do i make it align to the left as a left sidebar, or a header side bar?

  13. SaveMarriage says:

    Hello Michael,

    My issue is somewhat different but I was hoping something could help me fix a right sidebar issue. I have a blog at internetmarketerdotcom(DOT)com/blog. When doing a search on my blog using the search bar the right sidebar moves upward from the slider image where it’s suppose to be. This issue only occurs when creating a static home with blog (posts page). I’m using the Woo Headlines Enhanced 3.2.3 theme.

    Before I noticed this issue, another issue had occurred after creating the static home page. The right sidebar moved down to the right of the post content and not the along side the slider where it is now. If fixed this issue issue in my sidebar.php by…

    Replacing this code…

    with this code…

    It worked and my right sidebar now aligned correctly. However the issue I explained earlier still exist. Do a search on my blog and you will see that the right sidebar has moved up.

    Doesn’t anyone know how I can fix this?

    Thanks in advance.

    P.S. The theme I mentioned earliest came with a set of PLR blog that purchased sometime ago so I/m eligible for any support from http://www.woothemes(DOT)com/

  14. vonromantiko says:

    Nice post hehehe..

    One question please..

    I’m confused with step 3, where .php do I put the code?

    thanks again nice post hehe

  15. mzer michael says:

    Hi Michael,
    I want the sidebar to appear only on my static frontpage and not all the site pages.
    The conditional tag: if (is_front_page()) does not seem to be working. Maybe i am not placing it in the right place.

    Could you please advice.


  16. vlado says:

    Sorry for the very stupid question, but i’m very novice at coding. I didn’t get the 2nd step. Must I made a new file in my responsive theme directory called sidebar-homepage.php and insert the given code in it, or i must do something else? Currently i have the sidebar in my widget area in WP but i don’t have it displayed in my site. Honestly some time ago it took me a lot of nerves to find out how to completely remove it, and now i need it and i have no idea how i removed it xD.

  17. Michael Stone says:

    Could you help me with Step 3 please? Where do I put “”? Does it go in the file created in Step 2?

    Thanks in Advance!

  18. Gbenga Olotu says:

    Thanks for this post…It was really informative. I’m new to word press. I’ve gone through tutorials on presscoders to get me up and running. I want to customize this template ( ) to make it have this look and feel ( ). All I’ve been able to do so far is to add additional side bars. I want to add an additional column to the template…I don’t know how to go by it. a little hint from you might be helpful. Looking forward to reading from you.

    Olotu Gbenga.

  19. MANOS says:

    Hi! actually my site has no sidebar at all. so i fixed 1st step. then what i have to do? where i have to put sidebar.php file? inside index.php? or where else? and then?..

    thanks in advance

  20. boardtc says:

    Great article, thanks! Similar to Madeline’s question, I want to add a sidebar to a one column theme. I’d prefer not to change the theme – I’ve already hacked it a bit. I can see the sidebar in appearance|widgets as you describe in steps 1 & 2.

    The issue is step 3 and where to call the getsidebar from. Some of my pages (tabs) use custom templates but I want the sidebar to show regardless, like as if the current them was inserted into the first column with the second column being the sidebar. You suggest that it’s not straightforward to do anyway :-(

  21. tyee says:

    hi great tutorial but i have this theme that come with no slider and i would like to add slider to the theme. the theme name is magnifique. i have followed your instructions but i dont see any side bars showing up. basaically the questions is how do i add side bar to a theme that has none. not to a theme that has one but none please.
    thank you

  22. Sardasht says:

    HI Thanks wonderful tutorial

    I was doing all steps you write and I succeed to drag a content to a widget but it doesn’t appear on my template!

  23. hornlouder says:

    Hi, my website dont have any sidebars. Can i still use this method to add sidebars to the left and right hand sidebars?

  24. Tara says:

    Thanks for the tutorial! I used the information to add an additional sidebar to a client’s website. Their first sidebar has simple company information, the additional one is for their blog!

    Also, LOVE your website design!

  25. Abhijit Guha says:

    hi I want to make a left sidebar in my theme, I have registered the widget area, but I am confused where to add the ” ” ???

    please help

  26. Daniel says:

    Ok I got everything until the #3… It talkes about calling the page, but where are we suppose to save that code? there is no sidebar-homepage.php I dont get it.. Am kind of you but i understand some of it.. Just need clarification on step #3


    • Mr Tenerife says:

      Hi Daniel,
      There will be other template pages such as ‘post.php’ / ‘home.php’ / ‘search.php’ in the base of your theme. You enter the content in #3 inside any of those types of template pages to see the new sidebar appear in any page of your site which uses that particular template page such as single post page ‘single.php’ (depending on what theme you have loaded.)

  27. winresh24 says:

    Hi, Michael

    I just want to know if its going to be the same layout as the Theme?
    Pleases answer back.

    Thank you in advance.

    • Naples FL says:

      Following Michael’s instructions above will use whatever stylesheet is being active within your theme – so yes to your answer. However,/b> – if you add your own custom classes as part of your sidebar you will have to ensure that those class details are added into the stylesheet else you won’t get your desired layout.

  28. Syxguns says:

    Fantastic tutorial, you don’t know how much searching I did to find this! Now I only hope that I can make it work for me. I may need to PM you with the specifics, but lets just say for the time being that I have a fantastic theme for WP called Bluebirds. Currently I have a redirect script that will not take you there, but if you wish to view it the location is

    Now the way my template was originally constructed I am suppose to use a plugin called Ad-Minister to accomplish what I need done. Needless to say I’ve had the following difficulty: has not been updated in over 2 years, it does not work with WP 3.5.2

    I’ve also tried without success Adsense Insertion, and WP Simple Adsense Insertion. I’ve come to the conclusion that relying on others is not something I should do. That is why I’m glad I found your page!

    My objective may be a little more complicated, so I may need some assistance with it. Here is what I did:

    I have sidebar.php file that calls for Ad-Minister, so I commented out those areas. With your code I used “width 125px height 125px” for my Adsense ads. Now there should be 4 of them eventually and I may need a little assistance with that. In the sidebar.php file where the call for Ad-Minister was I placed the which is what I used for my placement.

    Here is the issue; there are a total of 4 ads that I want to place in a square patter in the area that is provided. How do I accomplish this?

    many thanks!

  29. Betty Jay says:

    Thank you very much for the easy to follow tutorial!!! I was able to create my custom sidebars for my different posts and pages in less than 5 minutes – you are awesome! Thank you once again you saved the day :) was looking for this the whole day!

  30. Tracy says:

    This was very helpful. My only issue was that I don’t want to use text, I want to use an image in my sidebar that has linkable text (like PSD file) and I can’t get that to render right. Any thoughts? Do I need to create a custom widget?

  31. Heidi@OneCreativeMommy says:

    I understand your tutorial perfectly until I get to step three. The only php files in my theme are function.php and home2.php. (Home2.php actually does not get used. It’s for a function in my site that I don’t want. To stop the function and preserve it incase I want it someday, I renamed the file.) Will adding the code to the home2.php file still work? I’m sure there are other php files in the genesis theme, but I’m pretty sure I’m not supposed to mess with those. I use a child theme.

    Also, I am trying to create a sidebar to go under my navbar–a horizontal area. Does simply putting in the description ‘Appears as the sidebar under the nav bar’ tell the program where to put it? It seems like there must be another step.

    I tried putting something in the widget, and it didn’t show up anywhere, so I’m sure I’m missing something. (Right now, the step 3 code is in the home2.php file.)
    I’m just learning. I really appreciate your time! Thank you.

  32. Omar says:

    Is it possible to make a sidebar on both sides?

    I think something like a three-column layout, where the main content will be displayed in the middle column?

    • Jouke Nienhuis says:

      Of course that is possible, but I think you already figured that out. If not, just make 2 sidebars: sidebar-left and sidebar-right. Create both files: sidebar-left.php and sidebar-right.php and make dynamic sidebar call in your index.php file. Don’t forget to register your sidebars in the functions.php and then you can easily fill your sidebars.
      Maybe a little css is also needed for the makeup

      • njuki says:

        You tutorial is very easy to follow. Thanks. But I still cannot figure out what tells the sidebar to appear on the left side.
        I would like my sidebar to appear on the left. Is calling it the file “sidebar-left” sufficient to achieve this?

  33. Rod says:

    Nice, i just added a new sidebar and called to the Index.php but always appears a black dot next to any widget that i add to the new sidebar, anyway to fix this’?

  34. Christina says:

    After completing the steps – I couldn’t get a sidebar to appear in any of the templates I placed php get_sidebar(‘homepage

    So, on a whim, I placed it my footer.php and voila, it appeared there just fine.

    Any workaround for getting this into my templates?

    I’m using WooThemes ( ) with only Footer Widgets. Support is no help because it requires custom coding, beyond their assistance.

    This is a fantastic tutorial.. it has me 90% there. Any ideas? Thank you so much :)

  35. Emelie says:

    I have created a new sidebar but it just shows up at the bottom of the page. I want the new sidebar to be placed to the right of the page, how do I move it?

  36. Filippo says:

    Hi, i want that my custom sidebar appear only in determinate page. I create custom sidebar files but it show always the same sidebar in all menus with sidebar, why?

  37. Tony Scialdone says:

    Thanks for a very straightforward tutorial!

    I’ve had some success with it, but can’t get it working at the end. I’m sure I’m doing something wrong.

    1. I can register the sidebar fine, as it shows up in my Widgets list. I can drag widgets into it.

    2. I have a file named sidebar-internal.php:

    For testing purposes, I’ve duplicated it as internal-sidebar.php, with the custom name being “sidebar-internal”.

    3. I can’t get the stuff to display. I’ve added the following to my template:



    with no success.

    I’ve even started over with your exact file, filenames, and code. Any idea why the call might be in my template and NOT work to pull in the file?


    • Tony Scialdone says:

      Argh. Of course the php won’t post. Let’s just say I followed your instructions exactly, used your code exactly, and it won’t display. I’m using a child theme for Twenty Thirteen, that – in every other way – seems to work perfectly.


  38. paul says:

    I know this is forever old now but I’m (mostly) making it work. The sidebar shows up in my template where I put it, but when I drag a widget into the new sidebar it does nothing on the front end. Just doesn’t show up. Any idea what I might be doing wrong?

  39. Dewinda says:

    I’ve tried this tutorial and it works!
    I can create one more sidebar in my theme
    Problem is, I want it to be in the footer area, instead it appears in header area
    Anyone can help me how to move it into the footer area?


  40. Alexander says:

    Thank-you for sharing this tutorial. I have been doing the same as i have seen the tutorial to create widget area . I have been adding this code in functions.php but still having issues

    function wpblog_widget()
    ‘name’ => __(‘Primary Sidebar’, ‘wpb’),
    ‘id’ => ‘primary_sidebar’, // unique-sidebar-id
    ‘description’ => ”,
    ‘class’ => ”,
    ‘before_widget’ => ”,
    ‘after_widget’ => ”,
    ‘before_title’ => ”,
    ‘after_title’ => ”,


    add_action(‘widgets_init’, ‘wpblog_widget’);

  41. Amanda says:

    Why I am having an error while adding custom widget in my theme? This is the code that I have added in functions.php.

    function widget()
    ‘name’ => __(‘Primary Sidebar’, ‘wpb’),
    ‘id’ => ‘primary_sidebar’
    ‘description’ => ”,
    ‘class’ => ”,
    ‘before_widget’ => ”,
    ‘after_widget’ => ”,
    ‘before_title’ => ”,
    ‘after_title’ => ”,

    add_action(‘widgets_init’, ‘widget’);

    I have seen this code here


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