Infographic: A Guide to Startup Scene in Austin, Texas
An Inside Look at the Startup Scene in Austin
We did some research on startup companies in Austin and discovered the following results. This infographic takes a look at the current startup scene and should provide some insight into where your own company stands in the bustling Austin market.
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<div style="width: 590px;"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="A Guide to Startups in Austin, Texas" /></a> Infographic authored by <a href="">TastyPlacement</a>, an Austin SEO consulting company. To view the original post, <a href="">click here</a>. </div>
About the Study: Some Details
We based our research on the CEO Magazine Business Climate Index, the JLL Report, and the mentioned companies’ websites. All companies reflected in this infographic are based on the most recent information provided in regards to the Austin market. The largest investment sector was software with $22 million to 13 companies alone.
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…and the thumbnail!:
Good stuff
Thanks for the informative post!
I’m curious why Houston hasn’t jumped on board the start up scene. It’s probably because oil is king down there. Maybe a little something at the end of the info graphic that says “ATX Rocks, don’t move here!” lol
Great post and infographic.
Thanks so much for including us in the scene! Great info-graphic, it shows why Austin is a hub for innovation. It takes a scene to have success.
Great infographic. Business just keeps getting better and better in Austin…
Sales Tax and Property Tax are swapped. It’s 8.25% sales and 1.74% property. But good data overall.
GoLab, Conjunctured, and Opportunity Space are no longer in business.
International Accelerator should be added to the Incubator/ Space section. :)
Just want to make an edit to my post above. Opportunity Space is in fact alive and kicking ass. My bad for mis-listing them here.
Austin is such an amazing city. I can’t say enough about all the opportunity and talent in our awesome city. Not to mention all the great music, art, and outdoor activities.